
Czechia-Taiwan-Germany Workshop on Intelligent Robots 2023

We hosted our colleagues from Germany and Taiwan!

The Czechia-Taiwan-Germany Workshop on Intelligent Robots was held at the CTU from January 20th to January 22nd, 2023. Prof. Jacky Baltes and prof. Reinhard Gerndt from National Taiwan Normal University and Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, respectively, with their students, arrived to brainstorm, discuss and work on humanoid robots. 

Prof. Baltes, the president of FIRA WorldCup, introduced the FIRA robotics competitions with a focus on humanoid robot research as a part of the ongoing  FIRA HUROCUP. Together with prof. Gerndt, they announced the upcoming FIRA Robot World Cup 2023 that will be held in the Ostfalia Wolfenbüttel from Jul 17, 2023, to Jul 21, 2023. 

Students presented their work on robotics, motion planning, and reinforcement learning projects. Moreover, a student team from the Ostafalia university presented achieved results on fire extinguishing robots as their joint effort towards business development.


Student Conference on Planning in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 2022

The 10th anniversary of the student conference

The 10th Student Conference on Planning in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics was held on November 4th in Domažlice organized by prof. Faigl. Bachelor, master, and Ph.D. students from our Computational Robotics Laboratory with students from the Multi-Robot System group and Intelligent Mobile Robotics group presented their current research and thesis topics at the student conference.

Hopefully, the conference will continue for the next ten years and we can look forward to many more interesting student research topics.


Summer School on Autonomous Navigation of Hexapod Crawling Robots

7.8.-9.8.2017, Computational Robotics Laboratory, FEE, Karlovo náměstí, Room No. KN:E-328

A short intensive course on navigation of multi-legged crawling robots will be taken by Dominik Belter from the Mobile and Walking Robots Team, Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, a visiting researcher of the Computational Robotics Laboratory (ComRob) a research team of the Artificial Intelligence  Cencomrob-hexapod-course-smallter (AIC) at the Dept. of Computer Science, FEE, CTU in Prague. The program of the course will be adjusted according to the participants, but it will cover four main topics related to the navigation of crawling robots with the expected agenda:

  • 7.8. (Mo) – Motion planning for legged robots
  • 8.8. (Tu, morning – Efficient reactive behaviour for six-legged robots with proprioceptive sensing for traversing rough terrain
  • 8.8. (Tu, afternoon) – Importance of uncertainty in graph-based SLAM
  • 9.8. (We) – RGB-D terrain perception and dense mapping with multi-legged robots

The course starts on Monday (7.8.2017) at 10:00 with an introductory lecture on the topic followed by a discussion or practitioning on the topic in the Computational Robotics Laboratory.